
January 2004

Art Musings was proud to present a solo show of one of India’s leading modernists S H Raza, who was showing his works in Mumbai after a gap of 3 years. Says Ranjit Hoskote in the catalogue text, “ Raza has always been a pilgrim of intensity. In the course of a carreer spanning nearly six decades, he has dedicated himself to a quest for vital forms that can carry the freight of his earliest memories of landscape and cosmic expanse, language and silence……Working with basic forms such as the point, the circle and the concentric background, Raza has pursued a pictorial japa as a means of approaching the deep sources of the self; he remains keenly aware of the perils of easy ratt. The small-format painting lends itself to such a quest for intensity: the compass of its scale meets the eye in an intimate encounter; the linear stroke, the chromatic pitch and the unspoken sound explode, not the distance set by the frame, but within our minds.”

16.01.2004 – 31.01.2004
