
December 2009 – January 2010

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Art Musings is presenting a solo exhibition of New York-based artist Raghava K K entitled Brooklyn Bound R Train. A self-taught artist, Raghava has worked in genres as widely disparate as painting, installation, film and performance. Raghava made a decisive move to New York City, where he is actively engaged in its art scene. Raghava K K speaks about New York and this new series: “I can’t think of a more harsh reality than the crude, cattle-like, modular, transient existence in New York city. You live and die every three months. You emerge stronger, more beautiful, and more real. My works cannot remain the same after I have moved here. The subway, the crowds, the temporality, the non-spaces, the graffiti, the coffee shops, the parks, the parking-meters, all have become a strong part of my reality. My Indian-ness now is turned inside out, and I’m viewing myself from the perspective of New York City. New York has a natural way of filtering out the weak.” Raghava has been invited as a speaker at the TED Conference (2010) in Long Beach, CA as a part of its 25th anniversary year. He will go down as one of the few Indians honoured to speak at the prestigious TED Conference that invites some of the greatest thinkers of our time to present their ideas.

16.12.2009 – 20.01.2010
