Art Musings is proud to present a solo exhibition of Maïté Delteil, (1933, Furnel, France) entitled Enchanted. This is her third solo exhibition in Mumbai with Art Musings, after the highly acclaimed Gardens of Grace, 2004 and Fruits of Grace, 2007. The exquisite images that comprise Delteil’s recent body of paintings at first glance may appear to express a preoccupation with the genres of still life and landscape; but they are more accurately readable as meditations that unfold in the borderland between memory and fantasy, wakefulness and dream. Delteil’s attentiveness to detail is a form of devotion: her paintings are songs of praise, in which she exalts the beauty of things even as they pass into decay and dissolution, as creatures of time. The exhibition will also see Art Musings releasing a coffee table book to coincide with the exhibition, which will document the artist’s works spanning her entire career, some rare photographs of the artist with her family including her husband celebrated artist Sakti Burman and daughter Maya Burman, as well as contain in-depth writing by eminent writers.
12.01.2013 – 02.02.2013